Sunday, October 28, 2007

RIGHTS-EUROPE: 'Non-lethal Weapons' Tackle Protests Against Globalisation

Governments in France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, and several other countries have ordered such weapons, or are about to, even though human rights groups are warning that the supposed "non-lethality" of the guns is a myth, and that they actually can kill people. The most widespread "non-lethal weapon" is the stun gun Taser...

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Taser X26C

The Taser X26C is now available on We Got Security. Have a look there are 2 styles to choose from.

This color and style are Grey with Black.

The one to the right is Clear see through. Click on the images to get more information or to purchase.

The TASER X26C was modeled after our police TASER X26. Utilizing the same technology as our proven law enforcement models, the X26C has incredible take down power.
The TASER X26C is a software upgradable, Electronic Control Device (ECD). ECDs use propelled wires or direct contact to conduct energy to affect the sensory and motor functions of the nervous system. The TASER X26C uses a replaceable cartridge containing compressed nitrogen to deploy two small probes that are attached to the TASER X26C by insulated conductive wires with a maximum length of 15 feet (4.5 meters). The TASER X26C transmits electrical pulses along the wires and into the body affecting the sensory and motor functions of the peripheral nervous system. The energy can penetrate up to two cumulative inches of clothing, or one inch per probe.

Advanced Features

  • Proven neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI) technology
  • Lightweight and easy to carry
  • Digital Power Magazine is good for over 150 uses
  • Central Information Display (CID)
  • Laser Sight and LED, with Select Control
  • 15 ft. (4.6m) range

Homemade Stun Gun Under $10

You'll need: duct tape, scissors, bug racquet, screwdriver, wire stripper, wire cutter, wall outlet plug

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Taser C2

The TASER C2 is our newest product designed for personal protection. Utilizing the same technology as our proven law enforcement models, the C2 has incredible take down power.
The TASER C2 is a self-defense electronic control device. Electronic Control Devices (ECDs) use propelled wires or direct contact to conduct energy to affect the sensory and motor functions of the nervous system. The TASER C2 uses a replaceable cartridge, containing compressed nitrogen, to deploy two small probes that are attached to the TASER C2 by insulated conductive wires with a maximum length of 15 feet (4.5 meters). The TASER C2 transmits electrical pulses along the wires and into the body affecting the sensory and motor functions of the peripheral nervous system. The energy can penetrate up to two cumulative inches of clothing.

Advanced Features
  • Small non-gun design
    Lightweight and easy to carry
  • Lithium Power Magazine is good for over 50 uses
  • Available in four designer colors
  • 15 ft. (4.5 m) range

You can get these and all the accessories at We Got Security