Sunday, November 4, 2007

Be Prepared protect yourself

You may not think you need self defense products but that is what the criminals are counting on. Most people do not believe that they are going to be a victim of crime. Most think that if they are involved in a crime against them it will be a burglary of their home, that is why most of us have alarm systems in our homes. What about if you are a jogger or a walker? Do you walk to your car at night by yourself after work? Do you get to work in the morning before anyone else is there?
There are so many times we are alone and don’t even think about. We think we have done this a thousand times and nothing has ever happened. Routine, that is how you become a victim of crime. We can not changed our schedules everyday to come and go at different times. We have schedules to keep and places to be. I am not saying you need a stun gun or anything like that, but who knows maybe you do. I would recommend getting a personal mace to keep on your key chain or in the door of our car. Just being prepared puts you a step ahead of the criminals.

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